Ecology Support for the National Land Cover Map

Client: EPA and Tailte Éireann

Example of aerial photography image of Mosney, Co. Meath showing various land uses

Between 2019 and 2023 ecologists from BEC Consultants provided Ecology Support to remote sensing technicians developing the National Land Cover Map for Ireland. The National Land Cover Map was produced by the National Mapping Division of Tailte Éireann (formerly Ordnance Survey of Ireland) in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). BEC ecologists were involved in stakeholder workshops, review and input into the land cover classification system and provided assistance to the GIS team and the internal validation team through video conferencing and detailed response to email queries. They also contributed to the development of the validation process, completing validation for over 1,600 polygons and generating the “most likely truth” for hundreds of polygon, ensuring the ecological integrity of the land cover types given.