Client: Coillte

In 2019, BEC Consultants collaborated with freelance foresters to complete management plans for 30 Coillte Biodiversity Areas. Habitats surveyed as part of this project included semi-natural woodlands, forests, bogs and heaths. Following a walkover survey of the site with a forester, a series of management zones were identified and mapped. Each zone was assigned to a particular strategic management option with a series of conservation objectives and management/silvicultural techniques compiled. Management and biodiversity feature maps were prepared, as well as a site operations plan. The overarching aim of the management plans was to enhance site biodiversity. It required the careful balancing of ecological requirements with silvicultural considerations and practical site management constraints. The plans also identified any threats/issues and identified site eligibility for entry into funding schemes such as the Native Woodland Scheme (NWS). An NWS Conservation Plan was prepared as part of this project.