Royal Canal Ecological Baseline Survey
In 2013, BEC Consultants carried out an ecological baseline survey of the Royal Canal between Talbot Bridge, County Dublin and Maynooth Train Station, County Kildare. The survey included mapping all the habitats within the canal corridor, producing a plant species inventory and recording birds and mammals. Habitat maps were produced in ArcGIS. An extensive desk study was completed to gather additional data…
National Survey of Upland Habitats

The uplands form Ireland’s largest expanses of semi-natural habitats and are of major conservation importance, with over 20 habitat types listed under Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive being recorded there. The ongoing National Survey of Upland Habitats aims to provide comprehensive baseline information on the extent and condition of upland habitats in Ireland, develop a detailed habitat classification system and establish a monitoring programme for these habitats…
Ballyseedy Wood Management Plan

In 2008 BEC Consultants prepared a 50-year management plan for Ballyseedy Wood with the aim of facilitating a structured and balanced approach to management, taking into account the presence of EU Annex I alluvial woodland areas and the requirements of recreational and educational users. The plan laid out recommendations for practical works to be carried out within the woodland over a 50-year period to enhance the internationally important native woodland…
Mitigation Measures for Triangular Club-rush

This rare and legally protected Club-rush is recorded in Ireland only from the River Shannon and some of its tributaries (the Maigue and Owenagarney rivers) in counties Limerick and Clare. There has been a dramatic decline of the species in Britain. The development of the Limerick Southern Ring Road, including the Limerick Tunnel, would have impacted populations of this plant. BEC Consultants developed mitigation measures to minimise the impacts…
Irish Semi-natural Grasslands Survey

BEC Consultants completed this national research project on the semi-natural grasslands of Ireland between 2007 and 2013. A total of 1,192 semi-natural grassland sites, covering 23,188.1 ha, were surveyed throughout the Republic of Ireland. Botanical and environmental data were collected from 4,544 relevés. The semi-natural grassland habitats within each site were digitally mapped and presented in GIS. The condition of Annex I grassland habitats was assessed…
Athlone to Mullingar Cycleway Habitat Survey

In 2013, BEC Consultants undertook a habitat survey of the route of a proposed cycleway adjacent to a disused railway line between Athlone and Mullingar in County Westmeath, a distance of approximately 40 km. Habitat mapping was carried out to provide data on the type, extent and location of habitats likely to be affected by the proposed development. Relevés were recorded within Annex I habitats and the conservation status of these habitats was assessed…
National Survey of Native Woodland in Ireland

BEC Consultants organised this large, multidisciplinary project from February 2003 through to March 2008. The project involved field ecology, GIS technology, soil analysis and statistical data analysis. During the field survey the ecological teams recorded data on trees, shrubs, herbs, ferns, mosses, liverworts and lichens along with important structural and regeneration data. 1,320 woodland sites were surveyed and over 70,000 tree stems were measured…
River Liffey Ecological Monitoring

In 2012 and 2013, BEC Consultants carried out ecological monitoring and mercury-in-biota sampling in the River Liffey. The macroinvertebrate community was sampled using standard methods at three locations and Q-values calculated for each. In addition, samples of the freshwater shrimp Gammarus duebeni were collected and tested for mercury. Mercury levels were found to be well below the level specified in the discharge licence. White-clawed crayfish, lamprey and otter were recorded…
National Survey of Irish Sea Cliffs

All sea cliffs in Ireland are included within the EU Annex I habitat Vegetated Sea Cliffs of the Atlantic and Baltic coasts. Vegetated sea cliffs can be divided into two broad categories: hard cliffs and soft cliffs. Different plant communities occur on sea cliffs in horizontal zones, from maritime communities at the cliff base to Festuca-dominated grassland at the cliff top. This project refined and developed methodologies for surveying and assessing the conservation status of sea cliffs in Ireland…
Galway City Outer Bypass Habitat Survey

In 2013, BEC Consultants carried out targeted habitat surveys and assessments as part of the preliminary works for the Galway City Outer Bypass route selection report. Prior to field surveys, preliminary habitat maps were digitised using aerial photograph interpretation. These indicative maps were loaded onto hand-held mobile mappers and were ground-truthed in the field and adjusted accordingly. Any Annex I habitats recorded were assessed using the criteria of the National Conservation Assessments…